How to monetize a site
It's not a fantasy - it's certainly possible to make passive income from a website. You can easily find many examples of success in popular internet marketing blogs. And you do not need to be an Internet marketer or seasoned blogger to earn some money from your website. In fact, even abandoned, the low traffic site can generate a few dollars a day - more than enough to cover your hosting fees.
There are hundreds of different strategies to monetize a website. It can be irresistible to choose the one best suited for your website. In this tutorial, we'll cover only reliable and proven site monetization methods.
Keep in mind that the monetization methods listed below require some initial setup work. There is no single magic button to start generating income from your site.
Option 1 - Monetizing a website with Google Adsense
Google Adsense is probably the most popular advertising platform in the world - owned by the Internet giant Google. It is an advertising platform for publishers (site owners).
Adwords and Adsense are closely related. Advertisers buy ads on Adwords, publishers make money by displaying these ads on their sites with the help of the Adsense platform. In general, the process is quite simple:
- As a website owner, you put the Adsense code on your site.
- Bidding for advertisers on ads. The highest paid ads are displayed on your site.
- You get paid for every click your visitors make on ads. Google takes care of billing advertisers and ensures you receive your payments.
Google Adsense uses complex algorithms to analyze the content of your site. It ensures that ads that are only related to your site will appear. For example, if you have a website about cats, Adsense will show ads for pet supplies.
The pay per click can range from $ 0.1 to $ 5 or more. It all depends on the competition between advertisers and content on your site. For example, ads on a website about cars will cost more than ads on a children's toy website. Simply because the cars are more expensive. Thus, the return on investment is greater.
If you want to take advantage and start making money by displaying Adsense ads, go ahead and create the Adsense account . It literally takes just a few minutes to set up and place ads on the site. You can leave everything else to the Adsense system.
Option 2 - Monetizing a site with affiliate offers
One more popular way (not to mention very lucrative!), The way to monetize a website is to use affiliate offers. In affiliate marketing, you get commissions each time the visitor buys or completes action through your affiliate link or banner. Commissions depend on the product you are promoting. As an example, companies that offer loans online are ready to pay $ 1,000 for each new customer referred.
Relevant and targeted content, as well as any aspect of your website, is extremely important in affiliate marketing. For example, if your website is about technology and gadgets, it would be ineffective to fill it with ads and links to credit card offers. The affiliate offers promoting gadgets would work much better in this case.
There are a few different types of affiliate offers, however, the most popular are CPA (Cost Per Action) and CPS (Cost Per Sale).
- CPA - Advertiser pays when user completes a certain task. E-mail / zip submission offers can be classified as CPA. For example, to receive a free report, ebook or additional information, the visitor enters their email address in the form. You receive commissions for each email address.
- CPS - Advertiser pays the publisher once the purchase is complete. An example of a CPS offer would be the ebook offer. Visitor buys ebook through your affiliate link and you receive commissions from the sale.
There are thousands of affiliate programs and it can be difficult to choose the right one. In this situation, the Offervault portal created to compare affiliate offers can help you. It's like a search engine only for affiliate offers. It has text search that helps you filter and choose offers related to your site. You can also filter bids by country, type, traffic, and many other options.
Option 3 - Monetizing a site with Amazon Associate Program
You've probably heard about Amazon - the largest online marketplace in the world. It has more than 304 million customers and earned more than $ 107.01 billion last year. You can get your own cut showing Amazon ads on your website or blog.
Amazon has its own affiliate program called Amazon Associates. They pay commissions for every purchase made by the referred visitors. Commissions depend on the number of items sold and their type and range from 4% (for the first 7 items) to 10%. The most important thing is to choose a product or group of products closely related to your site / blog. It should not be difficult as Amazon has millions of different items.
If you are convinced and want to take advantage of Amazon's affiliate business, start by creating an Amazon Associates account. If your visitors are from the US or are not targeting any specific country, the account can be created by clicking on this link {: rel = "nofollow"}. Amazon has 11 programs for specific larger countries, if you target any of the following countries, the Associates account must be created appropriately:
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- France
- Canada
- China
- Italy
- Japan
- Spain
- India
- Brazil
- Mexico
Please note that it may take 24 hours or more for Amazon to activate your account.9999
Once the account is activated, you can start inserting links and banners into your website. As already mentioned, the most important thing is to choose a product that is closely related to your site and that is interesting for your visitors. As an example, if you have a blog about video games, you can create a new publication just released game review and insert your affiliate link. Another example is the HTML widget that can be easily embedded in the sidebar or any other section on your site. Bloggers often use widgets to display products recommended to their readers.
Final words
As you can see, there are several different ways you can monetize a website. Review your visitors and your needs before choosing a monetization method. Do not lose enthusiasm if one method is not working for you, just try another!
3 Other ways to monetize a site:
- Use PayPal to collect donations . The online banking system PayPal has a tool that allows you to easily take donations from visitors to the site. This monetization tactic works best on nonprofits. More information about PayPal's donation system can be found here .
- Email marketing . There is a factor popular with internet marketers - "Money is in the list". It may seem like an old school method, but it still works. Use your website to create a list of subscribers and send them promotional offers. Mailchimp provides all the tools you need to get started.
- Use Infolinks . With Infolinks, you can populate your site with text ads. This ad network pays for every click your visitors make. While it works best on high traffic sites, you can try. It only takes 5 minutes or less to set it up.
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